cooperative marketing

cooperative marketing
1) марк. совместный маркетинг (маркетинговое исследование или маркетинговая акция, финансируемая, организуемая и осуществляемая несколькими компаниями)
2) марк. совместный сбыт (организация сбыта своей продукции несколькими компаниями совместно; напр., организация сбытового кооператива, сбыт через одного и того же торгового посредника)
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Смотреть что такое "cooperative marketing" в других словарях:

  • cooperative marketing — UK US (UK also co operative marketing) noun [U] ► MARKETING the fact of two or more companies advertising and selling each other s products: »Cooperative marketing can open up new markets for you at a very reasonable cost …   Financial and business terms

  • cooperative marketing — /kəυˌɒp(ə)rətɪv mɑ:kɪtɪŋ/ noun an arrangement whereby various producers cooperate in the marketing of their products or services ● Cooperative marketing proved an economic method of selling for companies with few financial resources …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • Cooperative Marketing Act — The Cooperative Marketing Act of 1926 was a piece of agricultural legislation passed in the United States which expanded upon the Capper Volstead Act of 1922. It allowed farmers to exchange “past, present, and prospective crop, market,… …   Wikipedia

  • Marketing ethics — Marketing Key concepts Product marketing · Pricing …   Wikipedia

  • marketing — finding out what customers want, then setting out to meet their needs, provided it can be done at a profit. Marketing includes market research, deciding on products and prices, advertising promoting distributing and selling. Glossary of Business… …   Financial and business terms

  • cooperative — 1 adj: of, relating to, or organized as a cooperative co·op·er·a·tive 2 n: an enterprise or organization (as for banking and credit services or the ownership of residential property) that is owned by and operated for the benefit of those using… …   Law dictionary

  • marketing cooperative — UK US noun [C] MARKETING, COMMERCE ► an organization formed of a group of producers of a particular type of product, who work together to encourage people to buy their products: »It s the U.S. s largest citrus marketing cooperative and is based… …   Financial and business terms

  • Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB) — Marketing Accountability Standards Board Founded 2007 Motto . . . where marketing and finance align on measurement for reporting, forecasting and improving financial returns from buyers in markets . . . short term and over time. Website… …   Wikipedia

  • cooperative — or co operative [kō äp′ər ə tiv, kō äp′ər āt΄iv] adj. 1. cooperating or inclined to cooperate 2. designating or of an organization (as for the production or marketing of goods), an apartment house, store, etc. owned by and operated for the… …   English World dictionary

  • Cooperative Music — est un regroupement de labels indépendants créé en 2005. Il assure la promotion, le marketing et la distribution à l’international de labels dont : Bella Union (Midlake, Fleet Foxes...), The Coral, The Sand Band...), YACHT (en),The… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cooperative extension service — This article is about a division of the US Department of Agriculture. For agriculture extensions in general, see Agricultural extension. The Cooperative Extension Service, also known as the Extension Service of the USDA, is a non formal… …   Wikipedia

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